
Thursday, May 30, 2013

jUDDI v3.2 Preview

We are hard at work making jUDDI better and I figured we would announcement some new features that are planned for the next version. As always, you're welcome to submit your own requests, enhancements, features, or even report problems or patches that you've discovered over at jUDDI JIRA Issue Tracker. These features are tentatively scheduled for 3.2 and may change without notice.

  • End user interface (juddi-gui) - This web browser user interface has been blogged here a few times, but it has some great features that will hopefully aid adoption and just make things easier.
  • Administrative interface (part of juddiv3.war) - This will be a user interface for administrators to graphically configure jUDDI's many configuration options and to provide browser based access to the administrative functions provided by jUDDI's Web Service API (not the UDDI part).
  • Client and Browser side Digital Signature support- enough said
  • Additional validation for Subscription APIs
  • Support for importing WADL files into a UDDI structure
  • REST bindings for the Inquiry API
  • Productize the UDDI Technical Conformance Kit - provides a way to test UDDIv3 compliance of any registry
  • Client side support for HTTP based authentication
  • Configurable SSL stores
  • And possibly, a pluggable Access Control mechanism for RBAC, ABAC, GBAC, or whatever else you can dream up.
Until next time. 

Don't forget, usually at least one of the jUDDI team members is normally on IRC on Freenode #juddi. Feel free to sign in and drop line.


  1. Thank you so much... i didnt have the knowledge in this now i get an idea about this.. thks a lot


  2. What will be the timeframe for this release ?
    I think the new UI will make it easier to adopt Juddi. The old UI makes it difficult to sell to management. I hope you still use Bootstrap as the UI framework.

  3. Hi MegaMobile,

    The release will be done when all the jira's for 3.2 are resolved. You can help out to make it go faster :). Rough estimate is sometime in the next month or two.



  4. hi
    I am a PhD scholar working on service discovery and composition. waiting to see the new version of jUDDI. I am currently working with jUDDI 1.3 for my experiments.
    Can i get to know how to contribute to jUDDI?
